Kirkwood High School opened its doors to students in August 2023 and is the 8th traditional high school in the Clarksville Montgomery County School System. Our goal is to ensure students graduate high school prepared for their chosen future. The Supply Chain Management Academy is the career academy offered at Kirkwood, which features a curriculum focused on preparation for careers in the field of Supply Chain Management. Other Career Technical Education opportunities include: Web Design, Automotive Mechanics, Audio-Visual Production, Educational Therapy and Support, Sports and Human Performance, and Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics. Kirkwood offers multiple Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment opportunities for students to gain college credit before graduating high school. With an array of fine arts programs, sports, and student clubs and activities, students are able to be involved in the school community in a meaningful way.


The vision of Kirkwood High School is for all Cobras to courageously pursue their paths forward.


The mission of Kirkwood High School is to recognize, engage, and inspire every student every day.


At Kirkwood High School…


  • We believe in building community among all stakeholders.
  • We believe in providing a consistent educational experience that challenges students to learn and grow.
  • We believe in ensuring that every student feels they have a voice and a place in our school.
  • We believe in teaching and modeling accountability and integrity.

Operating Principles

Growth, Relationships, Accountability, and Determination