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My name is Christopher Jarrell and I have been a teacher for CMCSS since 2009. I am excited to be a faculty member at the new Kirkwood High School! Go Cobras! #standtall
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Welcome to the Visual Arts Department at Kirkwood High School!!

  • Students enrolled in any Visual Arts class (Art I, Art II, Art III, Media Arts, or AP Art) will need to purchase a standard sized (8x10-9x12), spiral bound (preferably) sketchbook which will be used daily in class. 
  • Students will need this sketchbook in class beginning Monday, August 21st. 
  • All materials will be provided for student projects, however, it may be a good idea for students to have their own colored pencils, ruler, sharpies, ink pens, etc. for use at home or class. 
  • I look forward to a GREAT first year in the Kirkwood Art room! Please feel free to reach out via email at any time! 

Course Expectations:

  •       Students are responsible for in-class studio work, participation during in-class activities, studio preparation and clean-up, artist/artwork research, writing assignments, homework and weekly sketchbook assignments.
  •       Students are expected to plan artwork, put forth good effort in creating that work, manage their studio/working time appropriately, complete the assignment, turn assignment in on time, and complete the written analysis or reflection.
  •       Students are expected to come to class on time and be prepared for every class. This includes bringing their sketchbook to class daily. 
  •       Students will respect the teacher, other students/artwork, and themselves at all times.