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Hello, my name is Darryl Taylor and this is my first year teaching at Kirkwood High School.

Teaching philosophy: It is my responsibility to present the material in a way that is easily understandable. Some subjects within biology and anatomy by their nature are harder concepts to grasp. It will be incumbent upon the student to put in extra effort during those times to better understand the material.

Experience: This is my 7th year as a teacher in CMCSS; three years at NPMS, and three years at WCHS. I was an instructor in the military for 2.5 years. My understanding of biology and anatomy come from dealing with wounded personnel in my 20 years in Special Forces as well as my degree in biology.

Interests and hobbies: My family

Goals for the year: For me: to teach the curriculum with fidelity and enthusiasm. For my students: To gain insights to the amazing world of the human body and the cell.
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The following are the classroom expectations I will adhere to for my students for the upcoming school year:

  1. Respect: Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and the learning environment.

  2. Attendance: Attend class regularly and arrive on time.

  3. Participation: Actively engage in classroom discussions, activities, and assignments.

  4. Preparedness: Come to class with all necessary materials, such as textbooks, notebooks, pens, and completed homework assignments.

  5. Active Listening: Listen attentively when others are speaking without interrupting.

  6. Cell Phone Policy: Follow the school's cell phone policy, found in the student handbook. 

  7. Academic Integrity: Submit only your own work, give proper credit when using others' ideas, and avoid cheating or plagiarism.

  8. Responsible Technology Use: Use technology devices for educational purposes only and in accordance with the teacher's guidelines.

  9. Classroom Environment: Help maintain a clean and organized classroom by cleaning up after yourself and respecting shared spaces.

  10. Contribution: Contribute positively to the classroom community by being supportive of your peers and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

  11. Respect for Diversity: Respect and appreciate the diversity of backgrounds, opinions, and experiences among classmates and treat everyone with kindness and empathy.

  12. Follow Directions: Follow directions given by the teacher and complete assignments on time.

  13. Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of others by not sharing personal information or conversations outside of the classroom.

  14. Conflict Resolution: Resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully, either by discussing with the teacher or finding an amicable solution with peers.

  15. Safety: Follow all safety guidelines and procedures to ensure a safe learning environment for everyone.

These expectations help set the tone for a positive and productive learning environment, fostering respect, responsibility, and collaboration among students.