
This user has not added any information to their profile yet.
Syllabus acknowledgement forms due Monday, August 19th. We reviewed your student's syllabus in class on Monday, August 12th, but I encourage you to also review the contents with your student. Both syllabi are attached below.
- Students will arrive on time with required materials, including their laptop and charger.
- Students will behave with respect toward themselves, their peers, and adults at all times, both in the classroom and when representing the school.
Google Classroom Codes:
1st English III (prxa3oc)
3rd ACT Prep (mtxqq34)
4th English III (xo7y3zr)
5th English III (3qrz7mk)
6th ACT Prep (62rpns5)
7th English III (qkdjrjj)