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When asked as a kid what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always had two answers: a soldier and a teacher. I have the unique opportunity of doing both. I have retired from the Army, and am entering my 4th year as a teacher, 1st in High School. I am extremely passionate about history, especially government, and making it fun for students.
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1st - Military History: 3q7wqud

2nd - AP Government: 2esbyo2

           AP Classroom - 43DEND

3rd - Contemporary Issues: 2srexsm

5th- AP Government: vso7hg5

        AP Classroom - 43DEND

6th- Contemporary Issues: qn54kw6

7th- Military History: jkheepe


  1. Respect and be polite to all people.
  2. Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate voice and language.
  3. Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.
  4. Respect the classroom and other people’s property.
  5. Bring all needed materials to class.
  6. Follow all school rules.