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Class Schedule
1st Period: Wellness
2nd Period: Wellness
3rd Period: Weightlifting
4th Period: CrossFit
5th Period: Wellness
6th Period: Wellness
7th Period: Planning
- Arrive to class on time with a positive and friendly attitude ready to be active/participate.
- Demonstrate proper sportsmanship at all times.
- Do your part for creating a safe and comfortable environment for your peers who are of all backgrounds and ability levels.
- Athletic clothing is recommended.
- Athletic shoes are REQUIRED and will stand as the item focused on for your grade of preparedness/"dress-out".
- Lockers will not be assigned and you may NOT store any items in the locker room beyond your class period--please bring a combination lock to secure your items and report the combination to your teacher.
- No bathroom access in the locker rooms during class.
- Provide your own water bottle in a non-glass container.
- Lifetime WELLNESS ONLY: You will have 2 weeks per 9 weeks designated to Health throughout the year. Come prepared with all materials needed (paper, writing utensils, laptop, homework, etc.)
- No food on the gym floor/wellness room.
- No Cell Phones/Earbuds on the gym floor
- Profanity will not be tolerated.